Handcrafted Encouragement (A Book of Notes to Share with Others)
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A book that has transformed lives of thousands through its readers & you can be next!
It just takes a note of love, encouragement & positivity to transform life! This self-help bible based book of notes all in one helps you spread joy to others for finding greater happiness in just a few minutes a day.
Even though we live in this world of digital communication the joy of receiving a paper note from your loved ones or a kind stranger can be a game-changer in someone's life.
This book with 45 truths inspired from the learnings of bible shows you exactly how to put pen & paper to harness the power of finding happiness through helping others.
Detailed Description
Our world tells us self-help is the key to happiness and healing but research shows making a difference for others actually has a greater impact on our well-being. Handcrafted Encouragement provides a simple, inspiring way to remind you to experience joy by sharing notes of encouragement with others.
It includes powerful and comforting truths like…
-There is potential in what others see as useless.
-There is a hope where all you feel right now is hurt.
-There is purpose even when you’re in the midst of pain.
Why? Because God is always writing a story beyond what we can see with our human eyes. You’ll even read testimonies of people whose lives are proof, who were touched by the words of one grieving man, who relentlessly clung to grace even in his darkest moments. In a world that tells us that only what’s big and loud can be transformative Handcrafted Encouragement will remind you that it’s the still, small voice of God in our hearts that changes everything.
Handcrafted Encouragement includes
- A How To Use This Book Guide
- 45 truths from the heart of God
- Inspiring testimonies of changed lives
- Tear-out pages with ready-to-share encouragement
- Pages for writing your own notes and thoughts
- A giving record to keep track of how you’ve encouraged others
- Beautifully bound in a leatherette format you can easily carry with you
About the Author
True to form, the author has chosen to remain anonymous and not be cited as the source of the work choosing that the content be taken at face value as a reflection of God’s heart toward people with him being a willing vessel not needing the accolades.
No. of Pages
193 Pages